Conference and workshop on spinning and weaving

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  • Conference and workshop on spinning and weaving

Conference and workshop on spinning and weaving led by the Association ‘les ateliages’. Les Ateliages is an association, in sauveterre de Guyenne, made up of art artisans, which came into being in 2015. Since then, it has been based in the Maison des Artisans, right in the heart of the bastide town. Its members have set themselves the goal of passing on their skills, some of them centuries-old, from the world of arts and crafts. It's a way of forging links between people. To this end, throughout the year Dorothéa Chaplain, the president of the association, and her fellow members offer weekly courses, workshops,...


Free admission

Opening contact

+33 5 57 97 75 11
5 Rue de Balambits
GPS (Latitude) : 44.69986 / GPS (Longitude) : -0.46089

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