Château de La Brède

The castle was built in the centre of a wooded park of about 150 hectares. Inspired by landscaped gardens and parks, and discoveries made on his travels, Montesquieu changed the areas surrounding his château. Above the first door allowing access to the château, one can read: "O rus quano te aspicia" - "O countryside when will I see you again", such was Montesquieu's desire to return to his beloved estate. The vines, having been removed in 2000, were replanted in this fine Graves soil.



Coach parking


Opening contact

+33 5 57 95 96 25
+33 6 43 24 55 43
65 Avenue du Château
33650-LA BREDE
GPS (Latitude) : 44.678485 / GPS (Longitude) : -0.541648

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